

Netherlands Administrative Law Library

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    In judicial review of decisions of administrative authorities courts generally aim towards grounding a judgment on substantively true facts. Such a substantive truth is usually understood as meaning ’that which happened’. But how can true facts be established if the facts have not yet occurred and what implications does this have for judicial review in administrative procedures? In this article this question will be analysed by taking the Dutch Administrative Court’s review of merger decisions of the Dutch Competition Authority - using a substantively close copy of the European merger control assessment framework - as subject of analysis. Judicial review of the substantive assessment in merger control, including the prospective analysis involved and taking into account complexities of economic evidence, will be analyzed and set against the general aim of establishing substantive truth of facts.

Anna Dr. Gerbrandy Ph.D.
Dr. Anna Gerbrandy is associate professor in Public Economic Law at the Europa Institute, Utrecht University.
Article (without peer review)

Access_open Nut en noodzaak van een algemene codificatie van bestuursrecht

Auteurs Rolf Ortlep, Willemien den Ouden, Ymre dr. Schuurmans Ph.D. e.a.

    This article on the usefulness of a general codification of administrative law forms the closing contribution of a NALL-special. In this special, various authors have reflected on the successfulness of a broad codification process in 1998, which introduced rules on the notification of decisions, policy rules, subsidies, enforcement and supervision of administrative authorities in the Dutch General Administrative Law Act (GALA). The editors asked the contributors whether the objectives of the rules introduced were met and how the rules turned out to function in practice. In this overarching article, the NALL-editors reflect on the general lessons to be learned for the GALA-legislator. In these lessons they also take into consideration the initiatives for a law of administrative procedure of the European Union.

Rolf Ortlep
Rolf Ortlep (UU), Willemien den Ouden en Ymre Schuurmans (beide UL), Albertjan Tollenaar en Gerrit van der Veen (beiden RUG) en Johan Wolswinkel (VU) vormen de NALL redactie. Zij bedanken redactiesecretaris Alke Metselaar (UL), zonder wie deze bijdrage en special niet in de huidige vorm zou hebben kunnen verschijnen.

Willemien den Ouden
NALL redactie

Ymre dr. Schuurmans Ph.D.
NALL redactie

Albertjan Tollenaar
NALL redactie

Gerrit van der Veen
NALL redactie

Johan Wolswinkel
NALL redactie

Aanbevolen citeerwijze

Wilt u een artikel van NALL citeren? Dat kan op deze wijze:

L. Di Bella, ‘Besluitenaansprakelijkheid en causaal verband’, NALL 2012, april-juni, DOI: 10.5553/NALL/.000002